Tuesday, September 15, 2009

G.J. Mecherle State Farm Park


Arguably one of the most well-known employee service and recreation facilities in Central Illinois, G.J. Mecherle State Farm Park in Bloomington provides excellent recreation facilities for its employees and their families. The company is very fortunate to have such a great facility for many reasons. Most importantly, it is a major selling point to potential employees. It is a beautiful 99-acre park that is reasonably located, yet it is far enough from the chaos of the heart of Bloomington that it provides a bit of tranquility and space for relaxation or leisure. Some of the amenities include:
• Full water park (adult pool, children’s pool, lazy river, water slides)
• Tennis courts, volleyball courts, basketball courts, badminton courts, soccer fields, baseball and softball fields, and plenty of lush grassy fields
• Spacious clubhouse including cafĂ©, locker rooms, and conference rooms
• Picnic shelters
• Ponds and lakes for fishing
• Fitness spas

State Farm Park was originally created in 1940 to honor the founder of State Farm, Mr. G.J. Mecherle. It was created on the south side of Bloomington near Ireland Grove Road and still exists at that location. Although at the time it was considered very large, the park only consisted of 33 acres at the time of its construction. In 1988, more than 40 acres were added to accommodate the rapidly growing State Farm community. The park was created as a perk and selling point to potential employees and is currently intended for use by employees, retirees, their immediate families, and agents. It does not charge admission to members of the State Farm family, so it is a very attractive recreational area. The park is also open all year long.

Employment Opportunities:

There are an unbelievable amount of employment opportunities. These positions are open to the general public, unlike the memberships, which are restricted to members of the State Farm family. It starts with an admissions employee, which is one who doesn’t mind being secluded all day. He or she will sit at the front gate in a small building and check State Farm ID cards to admit people into the park. Not exactly a glamorous job, but according to one of the employees in this field, it is an easy way to earn some money. On top of that, one could work anywhere in the park in maintenance. There are plenty of fields to be mowed, bathrooms to be cleaned, pools to be maintained, and flowers to be watered. It is another not-so-glamorous job, but someone has to do it, and it makes the park look beautiful. There are also week-long summer camps that take place all summer long. Each session needs between 40-50 counselors, but the number may vary based on how many campers have signed up. Those who help coordinate and plan the camp are paid, but those who are just camp counselors are volunteers. Even though you won’t come out with any money, being a camp counselor would look great on a resume. Moving into the aquatic section of the park provides plenty more opportunities for employment. There are always needs for lifeguards, concession stand workers, and teachers of swimming lessons. Many of these jobs by the pool are very popular among teenagers because of the opportunity to meet members of the opposite sex and work on the tan! Many teenagers also work in the equipment rental offices and the miniature golf course. There are also needs for interns to help coordinate summer softball, soccer, and volleyball leagues and tournaments. Just about anyone, whether affiliated with State Farm or not, can find a summer job or an internship at State Farm Park.

Current Trends and Issues:

Given the current state of the economy, the number of guests this past summer was remarkably high. This was most likely because the park is a free place to go for one to experience a variety of forms of recreation. The newly-remodeled aquatic center made this facility one of the finest recreational parks in Central Illinois. The park was also a home to company cookouts this past summer, which increased the flow of guests. Economic downturn has greatly benefited State Farm Park.

As far as issues go, State Farm Park has been looking to upgrade its sports facilities. Some of the tennis, badminton, and volleyball courts are becoming worn down. In addition to that, the miniature golf course is becoming dirty. State Farm Park would like to upgrade these facilities in the near future.

Definition of Leisure:

According to an employee, leisure in the eyes of State Farm Park is, “spending a sunny afternoon with the family out at our park!” She went on to add that families could potentially spend an entire day at the park. Between the golfing, aquatic center, and areas for picnics, “it isn’t rare for families to be out here for 5,6,7 hours a day.”


Being from Bloomington, I am very fortunate to have such an excellent resource for my recreation, sport, and tourism studies. Whether I am looking to pad my resume with volunteer opportunities, fulfill my internship requirement, or simply make some money while learning about my field, State Farm Park provides everything I need. The State Farm family as a whole, including myself, thinks the park is a great benefit to being affiliated with State Farm. Growing up, I spent many summer hours at the park with my mom and brother. Because of that, I have great memories of the park. Personally, I think starting my career as an employee of State Farm Park would be a great way to get my foot in the door. It would provide me with a diverse set of transferable skills, and I would have a great facility at which to do my work. The only downside I see is the lack of room for promotion within the facility. There are not a whole lot of opportunities for advancement. Nonetheless, I could still use this as a stepping stone to help me get started with my career. It would be a great experience.

This program ties directly into the leisure delivery system. It provides a little bit of recreation, sport, and tourism, and would give me a great opportunity to be affiliated with a prestigious company like State Farm.

--Jason Schroeder

Laura, employee at State Farm Park

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